Poker Paid For

Saturday, November 25, 2006


So I didn't get a session in yesterday. I went surfing early and didnt get back until it was about 7pm and I was shattered. I would not have played my A game as I was physically exhausted and therefore mentally not up to playing.

This adds another day to my challenge so I have until tomorrow to hti the $1500 mark. If my GF is working that is cos I usually take a day off when she does.

I am going surfing again on tuesday and I think I am getting the hang of it now. I was up on a few waves and I caught a big one which I rode for about 5 seconds. I know it doesnt sound like much but when your moving and trying to stay balanced, It is.

I am having a very good day today and I am taking a break for the moment. I'll hit the tables in another 30 mins. I think im up about $600 for the day. I would be right on track to achieve $1500 if I didnt have that mind fart and ran into that maniac who scalped me.

I learned from my mistake though.
What I did wrong was to go to a site that I haven't played on in weeks and go straight to the $200's without any practice at the $50's or $100's. I was not comfortable on the tables and it showed cos my play was bad. I moved back to and although it can be hard to find a weak table at some times, there are always fish floating around.

UB is good and I'll go there as my fist choice when I cant find any juicy tables but I tried to play at FTP and although there are so many mookes, the software is very slow and with my cheapo wireless internet, I cant play there. I might take a look at Party for my no 3 choice as I have heard that the tables are still really weak.

Will update after the session ends.


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