Poker Paid For

Friday, November 10, 2006



And the blog starts! OK, a brief history of me/poker and a few things that poker has paid for.

If you haven't guessed, I play poker. I have even managed to make a profit from playing poker and I decided that I dont want to have a job where someone tells me what to do and the only way to increase my income is work more hours. Eh not for me!

So Poker it is! ( I have had a sales job for all you smartasses out there.)

I am grinding my way through the Small Stakes No Limit Holdem(SSNL). I play cash games 99% of the time as this is where I believe it takes skill and constant good play to succeed. It is also where the real money is. I started playing sit and goes about 2and 1/2 years ago. I worked that up to $500 and took the whole lot out just before Christmas and that was the first time "PokerPaidFor" anything. I bought a few peoples presents. That really felt good knowing that I was buying stuff with Other Peoples Money! hehe! Then I thought that I would play tournaments as I wanted to play on TV and get a "Big Score" Unfortunately that never happened. I was playing about 2-3 tournaments a week and using the $5,$10 and $20 sit and gos to try and make that big score. My bankroll never exceeded $500.

I moved to No Limit cash games about 8 months ago and I have woked my way up from $10 cash games. Those games were mentally tough cos of all the donkeys and bad players down there, Dont get me wrong, I was a pretty poor player too but I knew what I had to do to get better. I battled through grinding a steady profit and moved up when I had a big enough BR(Bankroll).

"PokerPaidfor" my laptop which is pretty sweet.It was the first big thing that pokerpaidfor. I used about 3/4 of my BR for that.

You will hear about my rise through the stakes and how I do it.


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